12 Simple Pieces Of Advice To Kickstart Fat Loss
Post at 18:20 - 10/04/2018

Looking to shed weight? These 12 easy-to-follow tips from the NHS will help


Whether your spare tyre is inflated to levels that have become a worry or you’ve just looked in the mirror and seen you’re a bit more dad-bod than sex-god, the decision to shed a few unwanted pounds can be in equal measures intimidating and exhilarating.

Needless to say, increasing exercise is a good way to go, but so often people forget that getting in shape is a lifestyle change and that, very often, your body is made in the kitchen. Beginner or pro, it’s always good to remind yourself of some of the most basic and effective rules of weight loss, so read on, and see the pounds fall off...

1. Don't skip breakfast

“Skipping breakfast won't help you lose weight,” says the NHS. Though there have been many news stories to the contrary, a filling, balanced early meal is still the most important meal of the day. That’s not to say that you can’t stir up your training with some morning fasted cardio. Take a look at some of these breakfast ideas to get your head off the pillow.

2. Eat regular meals

According to the NHS, “Eating at regular times during the day helps burn calories at a faster rate.” It will also help you avoid snacking. Take a look at our portion size guide and, if you must nibble between meals, have a look at the best snacks to go for.


weight loss tips


3. Eat plenty of fruit and veg

Seems obvious but is advice a lot of us can forget. “Fruit and veg are low in calories and fat, and high in fibre – three essential ingredients for successful weight loss.” With MH’s smoothie guide, getting you 5 (or 10) a day has never been so easy.


4. Get more active

This doesn’t just mean hurling kettlebells, lifting weights and pounding the treadmill. With desk jobs and hectic lives every little counts – stairs not lift, get off the bus a few stops early and avoid sitting for long periods of time. Also important, says the NHS is finding an activity you enjoy and are able to fit into your routine. Netflix binges don't count. 

5. Drink plenty of water

“People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger,” says the NHS. “You can end up consuming extra calories when a glass of water is really what you need.” This can be particularly a problem after exercise when electrolytes are low. Take a look at our DIY hydration enhancer.

6. Eat high-fibre foods

Fruit and veg, oats, wholegrain bread, brown rice and pasta, along with pulsessuch as beans, peas and lentils contain high levels of fibre. And why's this important we hear you ask? Well, to put it simply, they will keep you feeling fuller for longer, which means less snacking and less weight gain. 


weight load tips


7. Read food labels

Many products will claim they are fat-free, sugar-free and low-calorie, but knowing how to look beyond that and see what you’re actually consuming may help you avoid a lot of hidden risks. One of the biggest tricks people fall for? Serving sizes. A bowl of cereal may say on the box it's only 100 calories per serving, but their serving sizes may be very different to yours. The cheeky swines.  

8. Use a smaller plate

The average UK dinner plate is 10-14 inches. That’s massive. This old-school piece of advice is so simple yet totally works. Ultimately, what you need to feel full can often be fitted on a smaller dish. Also, making the trip to fill up on seconds can be the hurdle to stop you having more than you need. It takes 20 minutes to feel full so eat slowly.


9. Don't ban foods

This is where it gets tricky, especially if willpower is a problem. “Banning foods will only make you crave them more,” says the NHS. Moderation is key. Good tips are having cheat days, not having tempting foods in the house (see below), and not buying a family bucket when a couple of wings would do.  

10. Don't stock junk food

“Instead,” says the NHS, “opt for healthy snacks, such as fruit, unsalted rice cakes, oat cakes, unsalted or unsweetened popcorn, and fruit juice.” Sound easy, doesn't it? 


weight loss tips


11. Cut down on alcohol

No one said this list was going to be fun. Again, moderation is key. There are many benefits to the occasional tipple, but the negatives of overdoing it will put anyone off. Not sure how much is too much? Our booze guide will help 

12. Plan your meals

“Try to plan your breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks for the week, making sure you stick to your calorie allowance,” says the NHS. “You may find it helpful to make a weekly shopping list.” This will allow you to plan a variety of meals and ensure you’re not caught short and forced to get 12 portions of fish and chips. Check out our guides to meal prep and batch-cooking to get you started.

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