Underfuelling: How to Avoid It Before Your Workout
Are you eating and drinking enough before your workout?
Are you eating and drinking enough before your workout?
6 guys spent a week eating 6,000kcal a day. Here's what happened
Remember, a better body is 20% gym, 80% kitchen. So plan accordingly
9/10 of us cheat on our nutrition plans. But is it sabotaging your health?
Plus, five other protein sources to feed muscles and fuel training. Hop to it
We reveal the essential superfoods more palatable than 2017’s en vogue ingredients
Your biggest weight-gain nemesis? Au contraire, says new research
It’s the basic buzzword of bulking up, but what is it – and what does ...
We've compiled a comprehensive list of the best whey protein products money can buy
We decodes your protein shake's label to help you pick the right powder
Eating red meat can halve your risk of depression. Here, we chew the fat
Schwarzenegger's fighting for a greener future, but can you bulk up without the beef?
Now that runny eggs are safe, we’re giving your breakfast culinary carte blanche
While KFCs close nationwide, there's tasty and lean protein options beyond the bird
Muscle-grub sales are expected to soar. Here are the best of them
Follow this plan to get ripped fast and build muscle
Carbs, protein and fats are what you need. Here are five perfect bulk-up dishes
With some bars packing more sugar than a donut, we investigate the sweet science
MH investigates the truth about our fixation on fortified foods
Do they really spur muscle growth? Here are the facts on the bulking supplement
Put the recent news about cancer-causing pigs in blankets to bed
Protein shakes: they’re the simplest way to build muscle quickly and shrink your recovery time. ...